Teaching Guide: Smile

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Smile: The Teaching Guide (PDF) is for schools and colleges, school-to-work programs, DECA, school stores, vocational classes, back to work and business/ entrepreneurial programs, and more. Bring Smile into your classrooms to help prepare young people for a job or to get a head start in their career with this Teaching Guide.

This 17 page Teaching Guide is quick and easy to use, just like the book. Complete with exercises to help you get the most out of the book Smile: Sell More with Amazing Customer Service.

This Smile Teaching Guide will help you…

• Help your students apply the techniques in Smile.

• Help students who have jobs or volunteer quickly

improve customer service and increase sales or donations.

• Help students prepare for a job and get a head start in

their career.

• Help students improve critical communication skills.



EXERCISE 1: Complete a Customer Service Survey. 1

In this exercise you will prepare your students for getting the most out of reading Smile. Students will discover their current level of customer service and sales skills. These skills are some of the most important in today’s business world but sadly are often lacking.


EXERCISE 2: Role Play. 2

Role playing allows your students to experience first-hand how it feels when customer service is poor or non-existent and when customer service is excellent. It lets you see if your students understand the techniques in Smile and gives you the opportunity to correct and assist as needed. Role playing helps your students have empathy for customers and drives the point home that great customer service needs to be “business as usual.”

EXERCISE 3: Implement in the Real World. 3

Implementing the important methods in Smile when working or volunteering helps students make the techniques habit and lets them experience the benefits and successes from using the content in the book. As they find success by using the techniques in Smile, they will naturally want to make the Smile methods a regular part of their everyday life/job.

EXERCISE 4: Be a Mystery Shopper. 4

Being a mystery shopper is educational and fun! It can be eye opening as students will experience good and bad customer service and sales techniques. Whether in person, by phone, or email, being a mystery shopper gives your students the ability to view a business through a customers’ eyes. It gives them the opportunity to evaluate businesess and identify problems so they can avoid them in their own business or career.

EXERCISE 5: Customer Report Card. 4

The following exercise will give your students powerful insight into why content in Smile is so critical to the success of a business. It will help them uncover situations that delight customers and other experiences that drive customers away.


EXERCISE 6: Make It Stick. 5

Since much of the content in Smile is new to students, ongoing training and refresher training is critical for instilling confidence and providing greater understanding of the techniques. In the business world consistent monthly or weekly training provides continuous education, ensuring staff is at their best.


EXERCISE 7: Quotations. 5

EXERCISE 8: Reflection. 6


Lesson Worksheets. 7

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Teaching Guide: Smile

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